Wednesday, September 15, 2010

School Phobia Treatment

School Phobia Treatment. There are several ways that parents can do in dealing with school phobia include:

1. Stay stressed the importance of school

Education experts and psychologists argue that the best therapy for children who have school phobia is to require staying in school every day ("the best therapy for school phobia is to be in school every day). Because of fear must be overcome in a way to deal with directly. According to experts, the necessity for would not want every day to school, even a drug problem most quickly overcome school phobia, because the complaint will slowly dwindle day by day. The longer he was "permitted" does not go to school, will be more difficult to restore it back to school, and even a complaint will be more intense and increasing. In addition, with the permitted absences from school, the child will miss more lessons, and more difficult to adjust with his friends.

Most likely the child will not try to negotiate with parents, to test the firmness and consistency of parenting. If you find that one day parents finally "melted", then the next day the child will repeat the same pattern. Stay warm, full of understanding, but firmly and wisely while calm the child that everything will be better on arrival he was in school.

2. Try to firmly and consistently

Try to firm and consistent in responding to complaints, whining, tantrums sekolah.dalam children who do not want to react to complaints, whining, tantrums of children who do not want school. Whether because of dizziness heard a child or because of very worried about the health of children, parents often demand the child graduated. This action is certainly not entirely correct. If when the children wake up safe and sound and could run around the house or even with a good breakfast, but at the time of going to school, suddenly broke down - then the parents should not serve the attitude of "negotiating" the child and direct him to the school. One important thing to remember is to avoid the attitude of promising rewards if children want to go to school, because this will be a pattern of bad habits (only if the school would be rewarded). Children will not have its own consciousness why he should get used to manipulate the school and parents / community. Children learned how a sniper tactics or strategy in an effort to desire accomplished.

If it gets too late, the child still had to go to school - if need be accompanied / escorted parents. Similarly, if a school asks for Arriving at home, then parents must be firm and work with the teacher to calm the child for the child finally felt comfortable again. If a child screaming, crying, mad, mad, angry or behaving strangely other, parents should be patient. Invite your child to a quiet place and speak well to the anxiety and fear of reduced / lost, and then bring the child back to class. This situation is experienced differently from one person to another, depending on the ability of parents to calm and reach out to children. But if parents have difficulty in dealing with the attitude of his son, ask for help from the teacher or fellow parents of other children known to be quite close by. Sometimes, their presence would make the child more self-control.

3. Consult a health problem child to the doctor

If parents are not sure of the health of children, take it immediately to the doctor to get certainty about the existence of child health problems. parents would be more sensitive to their children every day; slightest change will usually be easy to detect parents. So, when the child complained of something in his body (dizziness, nausea, and so on.), Parents can take to a doctor who is open for practice in the morning after that child can still go back to school. In addition, doctors can help parents provide diagnosis, whether the complaints of children is a sign of the stress of school, or whether because of other diseases that need to be handled carefully.

4. In cooperation with the classroom teacher or other assistants in schools

In general, the teachers were used to dealing with school phobia or school refusal (especially teachers of preschool through kindergarten). Almost every school season arrives, there are students who broke down crying a school or do not want to be parents or even ask to go home. Parents can ask for help the teacher or school assistant to calm the children in ways like take him to the library, invite children to rest in a quiet moment, or in older children, teachers can discuss issues that are overwhelm the child. Teachers are wise, certainly willing to give extra attention to children who go on strike to restore emotional stability while helping children overcome problems faced - which makes it anxious, nervous and scared. In addition, discussions with teachers to examine the factors causing the school (eg, teasing friends, beaten, etc.) is a useful step in the effort to understand the situation commonly faced by children every day.

5. Take time to discuss / talk with children

Spend time intensive and not in a hurry to be able to discuss what makes a child afraid, anxious or reluctant to go to school. Avoid the urge or even the attitude of not trusting the words of children. This only will make the child more and more closed to the parents until the problem can not be openly and thoroughly. Parents have expressed willingness to assist and help the child overcome his anxiety about something, including when the problem comes from within his own household. Parents need to look inward and if necessary change attitudes in order to improve the situation in the household.

Parents also can teach the ways or strategies that children use in the face of a scary situation. Better equip children with problem solving strategies rather than pushing it to avoid the problem, because children will increasingly depend on parents, the less confident, more fearful, and not motivated to solve their own problems.

6. Remove the child gradually

First experience in school would bring anxiety for children, especially because it must reside in the new environment that is still foreign to him and he could not control as at home. No wonder many children crying to screaming when her mother escorted to school. In cases like this, parents need to give children the opportunity to adjust to his new environment. At some schools, parents / caregivers are allowed to be in the classroom until 1-2 weeks or until the specified deadline the school. Remove the child gradually, for example in the first days, parents are in class and over time gradually shifted outside the classroom but still in reach of child's vision. If the child can feel comfortable with new surroundings and seemed "happy" with his friends - then it's time for parents to leave the classroom and it is time also for parents to stop being overprotective, in order to foster confidence and independence in children.

7. Consult a psychologist / counselor if problems occur protracted

If the child can not cope with school phobia to the long term, this indicates the existence of psychological problems that need to be dealt with proportionately by the experts. Moreover, if the school phobia is to cause children to miss lessons, decrease performance and adjustment to serious obstacles - then as soon as this issue resolved soon.

Psychologist / counselor will help discover the underlying issues of fear, anxiety children, as well as find other elements that are not thought by the family - but instead arise from within their own families (eg fear of bad grades for fear of being scolded by his father).

For that counselor / psychologist generally requires the active involvement of the parents in addressing the problems facing children. So, parents must learn to recognize who he is and assess how their role as parents through the problems that arise in the child.

Some signs that can be used as criteria for school refusal, among others, want to come to school, but soon asked to go home, go to school with a crying, clinging continue with mommy / daddy or nanny, or screaming in class, aggressive towards other children (hitting, biting, etc.) or even showed attitudes against / opposed to the teacher. Showed expression / facial features in such a way as to require teachers to be allowed compassionate leave. Absent from school for several days because of physical complaints that are often used as an excuse such as abdominal pain, or headache.

Parents should try to firm and consistent in responding to complaints, whining, tantrums of children who do not want school. Consult your child's health with the doctor. Take time to discuss with the child, the child may have difficulty in school. Finally, in collaboration with other teachers or assistants in schools so that children can be monitored daily.
READ MORE - School Phobia Treatment

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hollywood Celebrities Weird Phobias

Phobia is the fear and anxiety is excessive and irrational, which can be caused by many factors. Phobias can happen to anyone, including Hollywood celebrities.

Many Hollywood celebrities even have a phobia that is quite unique. Kim Basinger, for example. Actress famous by the movie "Batman" and "8 Mile", it has a social phobia.

He will feel scared and anxious when in a public space. When eating in restaurants, public speaking or using public facilities, he will feel excessive anxiety.

Another with two-actor Pirates of Caribbean movie, Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. Two of these men proved to have a phobia of animals or zoophobia.

Although always looks handsome, it turns out Johnny Depp and Justin Timberlake artist afraid of spiders, or the term is suffering from arachnophobia. What's worse, Orlando Bloom, the man who was so 'macho' in the movie "Troy" was very afraid of pigs.

Meanwhile, many Hollywood actresses who suffer Entomophobia or phobia of insects. The gorgeous Scarlett Johansson, very afraid of cockroaches. Meanwhile, Nicole Kidman, has its own fear of butterflies.

In addition, there is also a phobia of reptiles or herpetophobia (reptile phobias) such as Britney Spears are very afraid of lizards and the like.

Michael Jackson, including artists who mysophobia aka phobia against viruses and bacteria. It can be seen clearly from the frequent use of gloves. So is the singer Hilary Duff, which will not be able to sleep before cleaning her own bed.

Funnily enough, veteran actor Robert de Niro in fact suffering from dentophobia, or afraid of the dentist. He is not afraid of the scary dental equipment. But he was afraid of infection transmitted diseases that dental equipment.

There is also a phobia that is not classified, like that of Tom Cruise. Katie Holmes's husband, was very afraid of experiencing baldness. Meanwhile, from childhood to adulthood, Johnny Depp and Puff Daddy are also very worried when he saw a clown.

And Alfred Hitchcock, would certainly not be tense and afraid to watch horror. But believe it or not, it will be afraid Hitchcock with objects shaped oval, like a balloon and egg.

All that shows greatness of God the Creator of the worlds, by way of showing the various peculiarities in this World
READ MORE - Hollywood Celebrities Weird Phobias

Friday, September 3, 2010

Weird Phobias

Phobia is an excessive fear of things or phenomena. Phobias can be said to hamper the lives of people who have it. For some people, fear is often difficult for a patient.

Actually there are many types of phobias, such as cenophobia fear of an empty room, felinophobia afraid of cats, and lygophobia fear of the dark. However, there is also a phobia that is quite unique, here are a few of weird phobias:

1. Nomophobia: fear of losing contact on the phone
It must be admitted, we will certainly feel panic when the contact data on our mobile phones to disappear. This is a phobia that emerged in the modern era. According to the Daily Mail, nomophobia could infect 53 percent of mobile users in the UK. Nopophobia Patients usually will soon feel panic if can not find a signal, lost cell phone, or cell phone batteries run out.

2. Sesquipedalophobia: fear of long words
Phobias of this type are difficult and confusing when the sufferer must say a word that consists of many letters. They might even not be able to mention his own name. The word length will be instantly make them feel anxious, panic, and fear.

3. Optophobia: fear open your eyes
When a baby is born, one things to do for the first time are revealing. In patients optophobia, frightened eyes open, especially sat up in the morning lasts until they are adults. This phobia can make sufferers feel weak.

4. Arachibutyrophobia: fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
In recent years, allergy to peanuts is becoming a serious problem in children. Even some locations even as the plane provides a peanut free area. Perhaps it became the beginning of the emergence of allergies this phobia, the fear of peanut butter when they eat together or without the bread will stick to the palate brand.

5. Deipnophobia: fear going to a dinner party
Some people are often experienced nervousness when must attend a dinner party, be it for office or big family events. When nervous, we will certainly think of several things such as who will be coming, with whom we must speak, and what will be discussed. However, for those who suffer deipnophobia, usually thought of scary things that are less rational about what they will encounter at a dinner party. When dealing with people, they usually will feel panic, fear, heart pounding, breathless, anxious, and trembling. Thus, if there are relatives or friends who always claim could not be present at the dinner, maybe this could be the cause.
READ MORE - Weird Phobias