Friday, September 3, 2010

Weird Phobias

Phobia is an excessive fear of things or phenomena. Phobias can be said to hamper the lives of people who have it. For some people, fear is often difficult for a patient.

Actually there are many types of phobias, such as cenophobia fear of an empty room, felinophobia afraid of cats, and lygophobia fear of the dark. However, there is also a phobia that is quite unique, here are a few of weird phobias:

1. Nomophobia: fear of losing contact on the phone
It must be admitted, we will certainly feel panic when the contact data on our mobile phones to disappear. This is a phobia that emerged in the modern era. According to the Daily Mail, nomophobia could infect 53 percent of mobile users in the UK. Nopophobia Patients usually will soon feel panic if can not find a signal, lost cell phone, or cell phone batteries run out.

2. Sesquipedalophobia: fear of long words
Phobias of this type are difficult and confusing when the sufferer must say a word that consists of many letters. They might even not be able to mention his own name. The word length will be instantly make them feel anxious, panic, and fear.

3. Optophobia: fear open your eyes
When a baby is born, one things to do for the first time are revealing. In patients optophobia, frightened eyes open, especially sat up in the morning lasts until they are adults. This phobia can make sufferers feel weak.

4. Arachibutyrophobia: fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
In recent years, allergy to peanuts is becoming a serious problem in children. Even some locations even as the plane provides a peanut free area. Perhaps it became the beginning of the emergence of allergies this phobia, the fear of peanut butter when they eat together or without the bread will stick to the palate brand.

5. Deipnophobia: fear going to a dinner party
Some people are often experienced nervousness when must attend a dinner party, be it for office or big family events. When nervous, we will certainly think of several things such as who will be coming, with whom we must speak, and what will be discussed. However, for those who suffer deipnophobia, usually thought of scary things that are less rational about what they will encounter at a dinner party. When dealing with people, they usually will feel panic, fear, heart pounding, breathless, anxious, and trembling. Thus, if there are relatives or friends who always claim could not be present at the dinner, maybe this could be the cause.